Feasting on ride: InDrive Pakistan's 'Food Ka Pakistan' Expedition

In Drive

ObjectiveIndulging the Nation, One stop at a Time

InDrive Pakistan embarked on a mission to unite the diverse population of Pakistan through the universal language of food. Their primary objective was to foster a sense of connection among people by combining the love for food with the act of commuting, showcasing the rich culinary tapestry of Pakistan while integrating inDrive’s intercity travel services.


Bridging Distances, Celebrating Diversity

The challenge was to bring together a nation with a myriad of cultures, languages, and cuisines. This required an extensive intercity travel journey, spanning 8 Cities in just 13 days, covering a staggering 1798 kilometers, experience diverse food spots. Balancing logistics, content creation, and promoting the tour was a daunting task.


Kilometers Travelled


Days Spend


Hours Spend


Shooting Hours


Pit Stops


Fueling Connections, One Bite at a Time

InDrive Pakistan’s strategy was to harness the power of food and travel partnering with Rana Hamza Shahbaz, (RHS), a seasoned food blogger and content creator, to undertake this epic journey. The tour was meticulously planned, with each stop chosen to represent the unique culinary traditions of the region. To make the tour memorable, a specially designed Giveaway Kit by inDriver was shared with participants, enhancing their experience.

InDrive Pakistan's

Savoring Success: A Journey of Unity and Flavor

The “Food Ka Pakistan” expedition was an unparalleled success. RHS’s journey not only celebrated Pakistan’s culinary heritage but also fostered a sense of unity among the nation’s diverse population. The journey captured the hearts and palates of millions across the country, with social media engagement reaching new heights. The journey was documented in real-time through videos, photos, and social media updates. Each food location was carefully selected to showcase the regional flavors, from the spicy delights of Karachi to the rich curries of Lahore The specially designed Giveaway Kit by inDriver added a unique touch to the tour, making it even more memorable for participants and viewers alike.